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Visual Basic 6






Using Microsoft's Visual Basic 6 (VB6), is a good way to learn to program. Once you have learnt one programming language it is easy to apply similar thought process to another language. Personally, I recommend you learn how to code with Visual Basic 6 (VB6) and then move on to a different type of language such as Javascript. Because of our ever growing dependence on Microsoft and the net, learning VB6 is an essential tool for would be programmers and web developers alike. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to get started with programming or pass Level 1, NCEA. Each lesson has a quiz you need to pass the quiz to go to the next lesson. Clicking on a lesson button will take you to the quiz you need to pass before you can access the next lesson.

The left of the web page has been reserved for links to extra information. You will need to read and understand all the extra information in order to pass the final quiz. As you progress through the lessons the links will appear in the text and on the left. it is suggested that you read the extra information in context i.e. in the lesson it was designed to compliment. Use the links on the left for revision and guidance.

Once you have read the materials and completed the exercises you need to answer the multiple choice theory questions. The answers you choose will form the address of the next URL (web page address). You will get more details after your first lesson. Now go to Lesson one above - click the buttons twice.

This web site has been designed to get young people programming. This course will teach you everything you need to acquire NCEA Level 1. Computer programming has many languages and concepts so the lessons have been designed to be self-marking. Your teacher may not be able to help you, but ALL the help you need is contained within the web site.